
Published on September 10, 2021

The 48th session of the UN Human Rights Council will take place from September 13 to October 8.

Published on July 02, 2021

As the events related to the pandemic unfolded over 2020, the partners of the Sexual Rights Initiative sought to capture some of the key developments in sexual and reproductive rights – from restrictive measures and moral policing to the force of protests rocking many parts of the world.   

Halfway through 2021, as we struggle with the increasing polarization of the world along established colonial and class lines, we would like to gather to both share information and perspectives and to collectively develop strategies for continuing to fight for sexual and reproductive rights in different regional and national contexts as well as globally.

Published on July 02, 2021

A medida que se desarrollaban los acontecimientos relacionados a la pandemia a lo largo de 2020, las organizaciones socias de la Iniciativa por los Derechos Sexuales capturaron algunos de los principales avances en materia de derechos sexuales y reproductivos, desde las medidas restrictivas y la vigilancia moral hasta la fuerza de las protestas que sacuden muchas partes del mundo.   

Halfway through 2021, as we struggle with the increasing polarization of the world along established colonial and class lines, we would like to gather to both share information and perspectives and to collectively develop strategies for continuing to fight for sexual and reproductive rights in different regional and national contexts as well as globally.